Applications are now closed.
Due to the high number of calls and emails we are receiving about this program, we may be unable to answer all inquiries. We ask that you please read carefully through the eligibility criteria and terms and conditions before contacting us.
COSBOA is offering grants to Australian small businesses adversely affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These grants are made possible by Salesforce. Grants will be offered as a ‘one off’ payment of $10,000 (including GST) to 67 businesses across Australia.
Why offer these grants?
To help assist businesses on the pathway to recovery after the temporary closures and restrictions resulting from COVID-19. Cashflow is an issue for many smaller businesses.
What are they for?
These funds are aimed at supporting initiatives by small businesses as they adapt and innovate to emerge from this challenging period in a strong position. Such initiatives could include: re-purposing or re-modelling workspace, redesigning your business processes, new approaches to marketing, creating a new or upgraded digital presence, acquiring new software or equipment for a specialised service, or anything else that is aimed at securing or growing your business into the future.
Your proposal can be functional or innovative. You tell us what you want to do with the money. Our assessment will be based on your proposal and expected outcome. The eligibility criteria and requirements are set out below.
If you receive a grant from this fund, all that we ask is that you implement your proposal and provide us with a video or written case study story of your journey and outcome – whether successful or not! Your proposal must be implemented by 31 December 2020.
Key eligibility
To be eligible to apply, businesses must:
Be a for-profit company with an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Have between 2 and 50 employees.
Have been in business for a full 2 years as of 1 March 2020.
Have an annual revenue between $150,000 and $2 million.
See here the full terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Application process
Complete the online application form. Applications will open at 9:00am on Monday, 25 May 2020 and close at 5:00pm (AEST) on Monday, 1 June 2020. Please note that only electronic applications using the online application form will be accepted. No hard copy applications will be accepted.
The selection process will be completed by Monday 8 June 2020 with provisionally approved grant recipients to be contacted on Tuesday 9 June 2020.
Provisionally approved grant recipients will be asked to complete a criminal record check (at COSBOA’s cost) in relation to the business owners.
Successful grant recipients will be announced publicly early July 2020.
Grants will be paid into nominated recipient bank accounts by Tuesday 30 June 2020.
COSBOA’s selection panel retains the exclusive right to decide which applications it selects and approves. All decisions will be final.
A simple grant agreement will be entered into between COSBOA and each grant recipient. Only one grant will be available to any one business and business owner.
COSBOA and Salesforce will share publicly how some grant recipients use their funds by asking grant recipients to provide us with a case study showing how they used the money.