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Following the success of the COSBOA Innovation Games in Victoria, we are very excited to announce that we have secured funding from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources for a series of 30 innovation games across Australia over the period from August 2019 - June 2021. Like last time, we're working with the startup Paddl Co on delivering the games.


Upcoming challenge days are:


Previous Challenge days were held in:

  • Gold Coast, Queensland – 22 August 2019

  • Hobart, Tasmania – 12 November 2019

  • Lismore, New South Wales – 21 November 2019

  • Adelaide, South Australia (virtual) – 7 May 2020

  • Latrobe Valley, Victoria (virtual) – 21 May 2020

  • Queensland (virtual) - 18 June 2020


Are you a student interested in participating in the National Innovation Games? Find out how you can apply here.


About the National Innovation Games

Paddl Co developed Paddl Games in response to the critical need to prepare emerging talent for work and to promote collaboration between businesses and education institutions. They're now being trialed on a national level as the National Innovation Games.


















What happens on the day?

  • Ten business owners are each assigned a team of comprising local tertiary students, Paddl Alumni, and employees from sponsoring organisations.  In the National Series (so far!) we've had Virgin Australia and will have MyState Bank and EnergyAustralia.

  • Each team works on an innovation project aligned with a locally relevant challenge identified by the corporate partner or sponsor. Past challenges have addressed waste management, technology for micro businesses and cleaner energy opportunities. Other themes could include attracting better employees, customer retention, upskilling or re-training employees, and community and business resilience.

  • Team members collaborate in three design sprints: problem framing & ideation; concept design & development; and storytelling & tuning.

  • Challenge Labs are staffed by the corporate partners/sponsors/PhD researchers to help team members access expert advice throughout the day.

  • At the end of the day, each team presents their ideas and solutions to a judging panel in a competition to win prizes.

  • Participants can book a 15-minute mentoring session with an experienced employee.

  • The National Innovation Games provide a unique opportunity for employers to observe emerging talent that have been shortlisted for employment with their business, throughout the day, before then meeting with the applicant at an Employer Booth to conduct a formal interview.


What do business get out of the day?

  • An opportunity to focus on the future of your business with the potential to generate valuable Intellectual Property (IP) - your business will own any ideas, designs content and other materials created on the day

  • An opportunity to meet and work alongside a cross section of local talent (and employ them too if that is desirable)

  • A chance to connect with like-minded, local, businesses and gain support from employees of sponsoring organisations who are passionate about helping businesses innovate and grow

  • An opportunity to connect directly with Aus Industry representatives and Australian Government support for business

  • A unique learning and training opportunity for you and your employees and/or representatives to engage in innovation development relevant to your business.


What is the cost to you and your employees to take part?

  • there is no cost to businesses to participate

  • the games are currently being delivered virtually, with participants joining from their own unique location

  • as such we recommend a good quality internet service to ensure you can prepare and participate throughout the day


What contribution/time commitment will you, as a business, need to make?

  • your business may choose a concept for the team to focus on OR you may leave it open to the team to come up with lots of new ideas

  • your business will be able to nominate 2 or 3 employees to be part of your dedicated innovation team

  • the representatives from your business will be supported by a professional Paddl facilitator with pre-training documentation in preparation for the day, to provide context and helpful information and answer any questions.


Contact for further information.



The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Paddl Co


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