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Small Business Skills and Training Needs Survey Report

Australian small businesses face significant workforce challenges including critical shortages of both skilled and unskilled workers in addition to limited resources from the Government to upskill and provide training to existing staff members.


In late 2023, COSBOA members completed the Small Business Skills and Training Needs Survey which was designed to identify the key skills gaps and training requirements among small businesses. The survey gathered responses from a diverse group of small businesses in various sectors providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing Australian small businesses in their areas of workforce development, digital literacy and operational efficiency.


The survey results reiterate that small businesses require a unique and flexible approach when it comes to ensuring they can prioritise training and skills development within their workforces and industry. The results of this survey have also been used to amplify small business voices at Government roundtables and consultation papers on reforms proposed or currently underway in the skills and education space.

Click below to download the full Report.


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