COSBOA today calls upon all Australian federal, state and territory governments to ensure special support is provided to small business people who are impacted by Stage 4 COVID lockdowns.
Peter Strong, CEO of COSBOA, stated today “there are hundreds of thousands of business people affected by this decision and they will need immediate support and assistance to ensure that they can reopen in 6 weeks."
COSBOA asserts that any stage 4 lockdown introduced by an Australian government at any level should be accompanied by a package of five SME support measures, namely:
· Financial assistance
· COVID-safe operation assistance
· Special industrial relations measures
· Mental health assistance for SME owners
· Regular and meaningful liaison with SME representative bodies (during and post lockdown).
Mr Strong added “this is a critical moment for the management of a COVID second wave and for the individuals in Melbourne who are personally affected and whose families are also deeply affected. We must give them as much certainty now and for the future. The ability for businesses to impose immediate stand downs for employers for the 6 week period will provide protection for employees' jobs and for the business assets.”
More information on the above measures is contained in this document.