COSBOA is working with all parties to develop reforms that create simplicity, flexibility, and empower small businesses to increase their productivity. COSBOA agrees that one of the key policy areas at next week's Jobs and Skills Summit should be reforms to workplace relations, including enterprise bargaining.
The ACTU proposes reforms to the system to allow multiple workplaces to be covered by one agreement. COSBOA CEO Alexi Boyd said that the peak body for small business wouldn’t necessarily rule out that option.
“We’re talking to both the government and the unions about the future of workplace agreements. The industrial relations system has for too long been designed with big businesses in mind, so what’s important to us is simplifying it and making all tools of bargaining more accessible to small business owners who don’t have teams of lawyers at their disposal to guide them through.
“The EBA process right now is intimidating and not really seen as an option. We’re open to reforms that make it more accessible for those who believe it would be the right tool to get the outcome they need.
“A lot is on the table and we’ll go in with an open mind.”