COSBOA has observed the changes from 1st July 2023 to the Services Australia administered scheme.
In the interest of supporting small businesses, COSBOA has advocated for the following:
A fully government-funded paid parental leave scheme.
Such a scheme should be accessible, affordable, achievable, and manageable for small businesses. We understand that the implementation of paid parental leave can introduce administrative and financial challenges for small businesses, potentially impacting their operational effectiveness
Therefore, it is essential that the government’s paid parental leave scheme includes comprehensive support for small businesses. This support should assist them in managing or removing the costs and administrative responsibilities associated with providing paid parental leave to their employees. We firmly believe that a government-funded scheme of this nature would not only benefit small businesses and their employees but also contribute to a more equitable and prosperous society.

COSBOA's Key Recommendations are as follows:
The government assumes full responsibility for funding and administering the PLP scheme
Services Australia assumes primary responsibility for the administration of the PLP scheme.
Eligible employees apply directly to Services Australia for the PLP, with Centrelink managing payments.
The government continues to consult with the small business sector through Industry Associations and Peak Bodies.
For more detail please read our full submission here.