The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) welcomes Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s announcement of the new Federal Cabinet and ministry.
The Hon. Julie Collins will take up the role of Minister for Small Business, The Hon. Brendan O’Connor Minister for Skills and Training, and the Hon. Tony Burke Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations.
COSBOA CEO Alexi Boyd said “Congratulations to all new ministers. We’re pleased to have highly experienced politicians in the portfolios relevant to small business, and are ready to provide them with insight and advice from our members to create fair policy settings for small businesses to grow and thrive.”
“We look forward to working with Minister Burke at the promised Employment Summit to address industrial relations complexity and reform the system to make it fair and practical for small business employers and employees alike.”
“Small business owners will also be keen to hear what the new Labor Government plans to do to address the key concerns of workforce shortages and the rising cost of doing business. COSBOA urges the new Government to address these issues as soon as possible.”