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Congratulations to Michael McCormack and thank you Barnaby

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COSBOA congratulates Michael McCormack on his succession to leader of the National Party. COSBOA also acknowledges the support for our sector that has continually been championed by Barnaby Joyce for over a decade and wish him the best.

Peter Strong, CEO of COSBOA, stated today “we have worked successfully with Michael McCormack when he was the Minister responsible for small business and he is well respected by our sector. We know that we have a great voice in Cabinet for the biggest group of employers in Australia.

Mr Strong continued “we also want to acknowledge the tremendous work and achievements of Barnaby Joyce. Barnaby has fought the good fight for almost 14 years and has been integral to the changes in contract law and competition policy that will make life fairer for small business people and also assist the economy to deal with change and continue to grow.”

Mr Joyce will forever be linked to the famous Birdsville amendment that focused on masking predatory pricing by large business much more difficult. This was one of the key changes to Section 46 of the Competition Regulations and was welcomed by small businesses who had been severely impacted by the behaviour of a few dominant retailers.

Mr Strong added ‘we also welcome the call by Mr McCormack for the Small Business role to be placed back into cabinet where it belongs. The biggest group of employers in the country need a dedicated representative at the top table. All good resume normal operations.

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