Past Projects
Read about COSBOA's past projects here.

Go Local First
COSBOA is delivering a campaign to support local small and family businesses and encourage consumer spending locally, with small enterprises first. We need you with us.
Small businesses are the soul of our local communities and the backbone of our economy. Small and family businesses contribute over a third of Australia’s GDP and employ nearly half of Australia’s workforce. Supporting these enterprises through the current crisis and beyond is vital to help stem the economic downturn.

Small Business Relief Fund Grants
Back in May, COSBOA announced that 67 grants of $10,000 each would be made available to help small businesses struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund was aimed at supporting initiatives to help businesses adapt and innovate in order to emerge from this challenging time in a strong position.

Employability Project
In 2018 COSBOA invited SME business owners and managers across Australia to take part in important research to understand what would make it easier for small businesses to employ people with disability. This research project was a priority of the National Disability and Carers Advisory Council’s (NDCAC) Employment Reform Working Group (ERWG). The final report is now published.